Historical Timeline for Foosball Clubs USA

Foosball Clubs USA, Inc grew out of the organizational efforts and successes of John O’Brien, a Technology Education Instructor with the North Rose-Wolcott School District in Wayne County, New York.
What started as only a modest idea in the Spring of 2011, forming a local school Foosball Club in a small district in upstate New York, has now grown into a fully incorporated non-profit organization dedicated to the formation of scholastic foosball clubs throughout the United States.
Foosball Clubs USA, Inc, continues to partner with educators, parents, foosball players, and interested business to develop foosball clubs in their local schools and community.
Starting in 2009, Mr. O'Brien operated a casual foosball program at his school, using an old foosball table he brought in from home. Over a two year period the interest in foosball among his students caught the attention of school staff and administrators.
In 2011 foosball became an official school activity when a foosball class was incorporated in the 3pm - 5pm After School program at the Middle School. After seeing the success of the foosball program, and recognizing great student interest, the High School Principal purchased a foosball table to be made available during lunch at the high school.
Through running the After School Foosball Program at his school, Mr. O'Brien recognized that for many of his students foosball had become much more than just an enjoyable after school activity. He realized that for a particular segment of the student population, the foosball program was the only school activity, sport or club, that they felt any connection with. For these students foosball had become their connection to the school institution and community. Foosball had become their team, their club, their school home.
Therefore, in February 2015, Mr. O'Brien, along with some other educators, formed Foosball Clubs USA, Inc with the express purpose of introducing foosball to schools to be used as a tool for helping connect with students.
As of 2021, Foosball Clubs USA has association with thirty (30) school / youth foosball programs in ten (10) states.
Participating schools offer a variety of school-based foosball programs including: After School Programs, lunch time activities, pre and post school recreational periods, school Foosball Clubs, interscholastic foosball teams, and monthly community wide foosball tournaments.
Foosball Clubs USA, Inc has now developed programs to equip non-foosball players to start and run foosball programs in their school. Curriculum and training is now available to prepare Physical Education teachers, After School Coordinators, Camp Counselors, and other caring adults working with youth, how to start and run a foosball program, even if they are not experienced foosball players themselves.
For specific and targeted assistance in starting a foosball program in your school, contact Foosball Clubs USA at admin@foosballclubsusa.com.